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apihelp-query+allmessages-description (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return messages from this site.
apihelp-query+allmessages-example-de (vitalap) (Fordítás) Show messages <kbd>august</kbd> and <kbd>mainpage</kbd> in German.
apihelp-query+allmessages-example-ipb (vitalap) (Fordítás) Show messages starting with <kbd>ipb-</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-args (vitalap) (Fordítás) Arguments to be substituted into message.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-customised (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return only messages in this customisation state.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-enableparser (vitalap) (Fordítás) Set to enable parser, will preprocess the wikitext of message (substitute magic words, handle templates, etc.).
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-filter (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return only messages with names that contain this string.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-from (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return messages starting at this message.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-includelocal (vitalap) (Fordítás) Also include local messages, i.e. messages that don't exist in the software but do exist as a MediaWiki: page. This lists all MediaWiki: pages, so it will also list those that aren't really messages such as [[MediaWiki:Common.js|Common.js]].
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-lang (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return messages in this language.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-messages (vitalap) (Fordítás) Which messages to output. <kbd>*</kbd> (default) means all messages.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-nocontent (vitalap) (Fordítás) If set, do not include the content of the messages in the output.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-prefix (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return messages with this prefix.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-prop (vitalap) (Fordítás) Which properties to get.
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-title (vitalap) (Fordítás) Page name to use as context when parsing message (for $1enableparser option).
apihelp-query+allmessages-param-to (vitalap) (Fordítás) Return messages ending at this message.
apihelp-query+allpages-description (vitalap) (Fordítás) Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace.
apihelp-query+allpages-example-B (vitalap) (Fordítás) Show a list of pages starting at the letter <kbd>B</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allpages-example-generator (vitalap) (Fordítás) Show info about 4 pages starting at the letter <kbd>T</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allpages-example-generator-revisions (vitalap) (Fordítás) Show content of first 2 non-redirect pages beginning at <kbd>Re</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-dir (vitalap) (Fordítás) The direction in which to list.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-filterredir (vitalap) (Fordítás) Which pages to list.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-from (vitalap) (Fordítás) The page title to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-limit (vitalap) (Fordítás) How many total pages to return.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-maxsize (vitalap) (Fordítás) Limit to pages with at most this many bytes.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-minsize (vitalap) (Fordítás) Limit to pages with at least this many bytes.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-namespace (vitalap) (Fordítás) The namespace to enumerate.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-prefix (vitalap) (Fordítás) Search for all page titles that begin with this value.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-prexpiry (vitalap) (Fordítás) Which protection expiry to filter the page on: ;indefinite:Get only pages with indefinite protection expiry. ;definite:Get only pages with a definite (specific) protection expiry. ;all:Get pages with any protections expiry.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-prfiltercascade (vitalap) (Fordítás) Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when $1prtype isn't set).
apihelp-query+allpages-param-prlevel (vitalap) (Fordítás) Filter protections based on protection level (must be used with $1prtype= parameter).
apihelp-query+allpages-param-prtype (vitalap) (Fordítás) Limit to protected pages only.
apihelp-query+allpages-param-to (vitalap) (Fordítás) The page title to stop enumerating at.
apihelp-query+allredirects-description (vitalap) (Fordítás) List all redirects to a namespace.
apihelp-query+allredirects-example-B (vitalap) (Fordítás) List target pages, including missing ones, with page IDs they are from, starting at <kbd>B</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allredirects-example-generator (vitalap) (Fordítás) Gets pages containing the redirects.
apihelp-query+allredirects-example-unique (vitalap) (Fordítás) List unique target pages.
apihelp-query+allredirects-example-unique-generator (vitalap) (Fordítás) Gets all target pages, marking the missing ones.
apihelp-query+allredirects-param-dir (vitalap) (Fordítás) The direction in which to list.
apihelp-query+allredirects-param-from (vitalap) (Fordítás) The title of the redirect to start enumerating from.
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